William Jacobson:

As someone who spent 22 years as a civil litigator prior to joining Cornell Law School, including 13 in Rhode Island, I understand well that lawsuits frequently do not turn out as the plaintiff intended, sometimes catastrophically so. I’m not making a prediction, but I am sounding a warning, that the lawsuit by two RI affiliates of the National Education Association against South Kingstown mother Nicole Solas may turn out to be a historic mistake, one that exposes the unions to punitive damage claims by Solas under the Rhode Island anti-SLAPP statute, as well as intrusive discovery as to union motivations.

The background you probably already know. Solas, a Rhode Island stay-at-home mother, first told her story at Legal Insurrection about her problems getting information about Critical Race and Gender teaching in South Kingstown schools, including the kindergarten to which her daughter was enrolled for fall 2021. (She has since then said she will send her daughter to private school because she fears retaliation against her daughter because of this controversy.)

We have tracked the story since it launched at Legal Insurrection and spread nationally:

“An emphasis on adult employment”