An education agenda every conservative should get behind

Kaylee McGhee:

Conservatives must make education a policy priority — not only because it will help us win elections, as we saw in Virginia last month, but because education lays the very foundation for this movement and what it’s trying to do, which is to preserve the principles that founded this nation and the documents in which they are described.

A coalition of conservatives published a strategy this week that will help us do just that. Led by the Manhattan Institute’s Christopher Rufo and the Heritage Foundation, the signatories laid out a three-pronged plan: First, state legislators need to pass legislation that rejects the toxic racialism found in critical race theory. Second, the states must increase transparency regarding the curricula taught in public schools so that parents can be as involved as possible. And third, lawmakers need to expand school choice and give parents the power to pull their children out of the public school system if that’s what they would prefer.