The Milwaukee Public School Board voted to amend a union leave policy, subject of a lawsuit from the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL), to make clear that employees may only use such time for activities that are politically and ideologically “view-point neutral.” WILL sued the Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) in July, on behalf of a Milwaukee taxpayer, alleging the previous wording of the policy amounted to a violation of the First Amendment’s ban on compelled speech. As a result of this amendment, WILL recently stipulated to a dismissal of the case.

The Quotes: WILL Deputy Counsel, Lucas Vebber, said, “We are pleased that the MPS Board took efforts to clarify this policy. Taxpayers now have a better understanding of how these public resources are being used and what oversight is in place.”

WILL client, Dan Sebring, said, “I am pleased that this policy has been clarified. When I left public office and people asked me why, I told them that I’ve found that I can be more effective as an activist than a public official – and this is case in point!”