A Look at California Teacher Salaries

Sacramento Bee:

The average teacher salary last year was $65,808, an increase of 3.4 percent from 2007, according to new state figures. Teacher pay varies widely by district. And some districts have seen average salaries drop as they replace a large number of experienced teachers with new recruits.
Notes: Average salaries are often a reflection of three things: An area’s cost of living; how much the district is willing to pay and the number of experienced teachers the district employs. So if your district is low on this list but you see it has a high maximum salary, it probably means that it’s got a lot of teachers fresh out of college.
About 5 percent of the state’s districts didn’t submit data in 2008; for most of these, The Bee used 2007 salary data. Please note the year of the data as listed in your results. Districts with no data for 2007 or 2008 were excluded from this database. Salary changes were calculated using inflation-adjusted 2004 average annual salary figures.