“Weber Shandwick Provides PR for Moderna and Pfizer, While Staffing the CDC’s Vaccine Office”

Paul Thacker:

A potential $50 million contract allows PR firm to be “embedded at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta as part of the Division of Viral Diseases team.”

I’m still not certain what happened to Americans, who seem to have tossed aside all caution and critical thinking when it comes to medical interventions that get labeled “vaccines.” I can only remark that, to myself and many living in Europe, it comes across as rather disturbing at times—almost cultish.

If interested in further reading about the major conflicts of interest and lack of transparency surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines, I won a British Journalism Award for a series of investigations published by The BMJ:

Oxford’s John Bell is certainly an interesting figure, as he has his fingers in so many pies. Yet Oxford and the British government continue to hide his financial interests and corporate ties. Bell is also a board member of Hakluyt, a British spy firm, with a long shady past. As I wrote a couple weeks back, the Brunswick Group PR firm provides public relations for both Hakluty and British Petroleum (BP), the fossil fuel company which employed Hakluty in the early 2000s to spy on Greenpeace activists.