Daniel Slapczynski:

I am not a liberal, but I’m starting to think that decades of tinkering with MPS just may be a smokescreen to ignore the real problems with the system: that in the end, our schools do nothing more than reflect the nature of the city itself.
We’ve spent generations pretending that isn’t the case. I graduated from Pulaski High School just in time to have Howard Fuller present me my diploma. You remember Fuller, right? He was the man who was going to reinvigorate the “troubled” school system and bring hope to Milwaukee.
I walked across that stage in 1992. Exactly what has changed since then? Sure, it’s not all bad. Some schools have high attendance, great parental participation and students who perform well.
But that just bolsters my point. If MPS as an entity was the problem, wouldn’t all schools fail? Wouldn’t all students have to exert an incredible amount of self-determination and willpower just to succeed academically?
Some people, such as School Board member Terry Falk, continue to believe that fiddling is best. Falk’s latest theoretical fix? Potentially scrapping K-8 schools – themselves a recent idea – in favor of grades 6-12 facilities.
Enough already. The fault lines seem clear. MPS is operating in a city with dire problems, where some geographic areas continue to prosper while others operate in a climate of poverty and crime. School performance appears often to follow those socioeconomic trends.
For the record, I’m not excusing the poor performance of students who should realize that education is a path to greater prosperity. And I don’t have any bright solutions either. Except one: If we’re going to keep the questionable practice of throwing money at the problem, quit wasting it on the wrong problem.