A Chat with Arlene Silveira

Click above to watch, or CTRL-click to download this mpeg4 or mp3 audio file. You’ll need Quicktime to view the video file.
Madison School Board President Arlene Silveira is up for re-election on April 7, 2009. Arlene graciously agreed to record this video conversation recently. We discussed her sense of where the Madison School District is in terms of:

  1. academics
  2. finance
  3. community support/interaction
  4. Leadership (Board and Administration)

We also discussed what she hopes to accomplish over the next three years.
Arlene’s opponent on April 7, 2009 is Donald Gors. The Wisconsin State Journal recently posted a few notes on each candidate here.
I emailed Arlene, Donald Gors and Lucy Mathiak (who is running unopposed) regarding this video conversation. I hope to meet Lucy at some point over the next few weeks. I have not heard from Donald Gors.
Arlene and Lucy were first elected in April, 2006. There are many links along with video interviews of both here.