Words That Cause Catastrophes

Daniel Menninger:

In an interview two weeks ago, as a banking panic was leaking out of California, Mr. Khudairy said the Saudi bank would “absolutely not” give more capital to on-the-bubble Credit Suisse bank. In hours, that Saudi “absolutely not” had Switzerland itself headed for collapse.

Suddenly, a bank panic that originated inside a navel-gazing boutique regional bank in Silicon Valley had jumped across the Atlantic to threaten one of the world’s 30 “global systemically important” banks. Switzerland’s national authorities quickly compelled its other major bank, the massive UBS, to swallow Credit Suisse.

Here’s another fellow who never listened to his mother: Donald Trump. One must posit that despite, or perhaps because of, his habit of saying whatever enters his mind, Mr. Trump did get elected president of the United States. While Mr. Trump himself regrets nothing, much of the country likely regrets his compulsion to tweet, during the chaotic afternoon of Jan. 6, 2021, that “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done.”