“using “ladies” was a microaggression and “the fact that he didn’t know that as an educator was a problem,”

Emily Thurlow:

“I was shocked,” he said. “I grew up in a time when ‘ladies’ and ‘gentlemen’ was a sign of respect. I didn’t intend to insult anyone.”

He also signed his email as simply “Vito,” as he felt he could provide a less formal tone.

Perrone explained that he had attended Thursday’s We The People spaghetti dinner fundraiser at the high school as a way to begin getting to know more of the school community and then headed over to the conference room for the negotiations. The committee asked him to step outside for approximately 45 minutes while they spoke and then delivered the news that they had rescinded his offer after taking a vote during an executive session.

In an emailed response, Kwiecinski said she could not comment on executive sessions.

School Committee member Marin Goldstein echoed Kwiecinski’s comment, adding that such meetings are supposed to be confidential.

Perrone said it was important for him to let people know the circumstances of the matter.