Josh Anderson:

In 2024, eligibility will increase to include people whose only underlying condition is mental illness. By the way, in 2021, Mental Health Research Canada concluded that they’d found a correlation “between vaccine hesitancy and mental illness.” Not even COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy specifically, just vaccine hesitancy broadly speaking, because surely there are no legitimate reasons anyone might reasonably regard pubic health institutions with skepticism! That same year, New York City psychiatrist Dr. Aruna Khilanani was invited to none other than the Yale School of Medicine’s Child Study Center to give a talk entitled “The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind.” The Yale School of Medicine eventually distanced themselves from Khilanani, but only after she indicated that perhaps she was the psychopathic one. Among other things, she told her audience that she “had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step.” Apparently the title of the talk wasn’t enough of a red flag. (Writing about the incident, the Washington Post included several defenses of Khilanani, including, “Her comments and the negative feedback she’s received are more revealing about white supremacist thoughts than about Khilanani’s view on racism, said Nikki Coleman, a psychologist and consultant on diversity, equity and inclusion.”) I bring up this incident because if this is the sort of mental health “expert” invited to speak to students of a… *checks notes* 📔🧐 … Child Study Center at one of the most highly regarded universities in the world – if hers is the sort of speech to readily find defenders in the media and academia… then let’s just say I… hesitate… when the government officially enshrines into law the stance that death is preferable to however the “experts” of the day define “mental illness.”

Indeed, that stance – the stance that death is preferable to disability – has been the thrust behind the pushback towards this bill. Three disability rights advocates associated with the United Nations wrote futilely in a letter to the federal government before they expanded MAID in 2021: