Air Canada responsible for errors by website chatbot after B.C. customer denied retroactive discount

Susan Lazaruk:

A B.C. man booked an Air Canada flight to Toronto for his grandmother’s funeral using the website’s chatbot, which said he could pay full fare and apply for a bereavement fare later.

An Air Canada passenger from B.C. has won his fight after the airline refused him a retroactive discount, claiming it wasn’t responsible for promising the refund because it was made in error by the airline’s online chatbot.

Artificial-intelligence law experts say it’s a sign of disputes to come if companies don’t ensure accuracy when increasingly relying on artificial intelligence to deal with customers.

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Jake Moffatt booked a flight to Toronto with Air Canada to attend his grandmother’s funeral in 2022 using the website’s chatbot, which advised him he could pay full fare and apply for a bereavement fare later, according to the decision by B.C. civil resolution tribunal.