Fauci Stumped on Child-Masking Evidence in Testimony, Admitted Lack of Scientific Basis for Six-Foot Distancing

James Lynch:

“Did you see any studies that supported 6 feet?” a subcommittee staffer followed up.

“I was not aware of studies that — in fact, that would be a very difficult study to do,” Fauci conceded.

Upon further questioning, Fauci said six feet was “an empiric decision that wasn’t based on data or even data that could be accomplished.”

The six-foot directive was given by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and supported by Fauci, the face of the government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, and other public-health officials such as then–National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins.

Collins testified earlier this year and similarly admitted that there was no evidence to support six feet apart, as National Review first reported.

During the second day of his testimony, Fauci made a similar concession about the lack of scientific evidence to support masking children to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.


Waiting for an analysis of the long term costs of taxpayer supported Dane County Madison Public Health “mandates”.