Patrick McDonald:

Though law enforcement does not have to return property “instantaneously,” Katsas wrote, the Fourth Amendment requires that any “continuing retention of seized property” be reasonable. So while police can use seized items for “legitimate law-enforcement purposes,” such as for evidence at trial, and are permitted some delay for “matching a person with his effects,” prolonged seizures serving no important function can implicate the Fourth Amendment, the court ruled.

Given that the D.C. court finds itself in the minority on the question, some say that the case may be primed for the Supreme Court if the District chooses to appeal. “This case has potential to make national precedent,” Paul Belonick, a professor at the University of California, San Francisco law school, tells Reason. “The influential D.C. Circuit deliberately intensified a circuit split and put itself in the minority of circuits on the question, teeing it up cleanly for certiorari.”