“Proficient” is now…a -19- on the ACT” – taxpayer funded Wisconsin DPI

Quinton Klabon:

“Proficient” is now…a -19- on the ACT.

Yes, parents across Wisconsin will hear their children are “Meeting Standards,” only to have multiple UW schools reject them in senior year.

Let’s support educators and kids striving for better.

Related: “Median number of years of business experience are ZERO”


If WI DPI would like to improve mental health perhaps they should get serious about literacy! Most WI schools have used 3 cueing which has been outlawed for the harm it does- but DPI continues to cite resources using 3 cueing in guidance documents for the weakest readers.

AJ Bayatpour

Wisconsin is changing its standardized test: Cut scores are lower, and the terminology is different.

We asked former state supt. @GovEvers about the changes.

“I don’t think we should be lowering them, but the fact of the matter is that’s a DPI issue, not a governor’s issue”

Will Flanders:

Even Gov Evers disagrees with DPI changing the cut points for the Forward Exam/ACT. The legislature must rein in this unilateral DPI power next session.
