Vicki Woods:

f I had care of a four-year-old right now, I think I’d go and live in France. Even though I’m not that fond of France and I hate speaking the language, I’d be able to pop my four-year-old into the nearest ecole maternelle and relax. He’d stay there until he was six, by which time they’d teach him to read. And then he’d go to primary school and learn to write – with accents on and everything.
Here in England, everything I hear, read or watch on telly about education is too baffling to understand. I say this as a governor of a small village primary school. I’m not being funny, nor boasting about my idleness or lack of care. I’m saying the education of England’s children is too baffling to understand for anyone who is not an educationist.
Nobody could blame me, I hope, for being baffled by news of the Cambridge Primary Review, the biggest and most detailed study of primary education for 40 years. I listened carefully to Jim Naughtie talking to the review’s lead author, Professor Robin Alexander, on the Today programme yesterday. Naughtie said the review found primary education was “in good heart”, but it challenged the Government over the uselessness of its cherished Sats. Also, they want “formal schooling” to begin at six, not five. The Prof did his best to condense 500 or so pages into 12-second sound bites, and I listened in that vague early-morning way, thinking: Goodness, this is dense.