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Search Results for: Elias

civics: “rolling out liberal legal titan Marc Elias to file complaints of campaign irregularities.”

Kimberley Strasser: Democrats are finally alive to the threat of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.—and it’s about time. They worry not only that the gadfly might pull crucial votes away from Joe Biden. They worry more that Republicans will help make that happen—by running the same playbook Democrats honed in GOP primaries. And why not? All’s […]

Lawfare: Elias and District maps

Lawrence Andrea: A high-powered Democratic law firm is asking the Wisconsin Supreme Court to reconsider the state’s congressional map ahead of the 2024 election, arguing a redistricting decision last month calls into question the battleground state’s current district lines. Elias Law Group, chaired by Marc Elias, who has led previous voting access lawsuits in Wisconsin […]

Mitigating Benefits Cliffs for Low-Income Families:District of Columbia Career Mobility Action Plan as a Case Study

Elias Ilin and Alvaro Sanchez: The structure of the United States social safety net features phaseouts of public assistance as household income increases, which can function as an effective marginal tax on wage gains, commonly referred to as a “benefits cliff.” These so-called benefits cliffs create a disincentive for low-income workers, especially those with children, […]

Civics – Michigan Lawfare: Cornell West edition

Isabella Volmert: Independent presidential candidate Cornel West must appear on the ballot in the battleground state of Michigan, a judge ruled about a week after West was disqualified. Court of Claims Judge James Robert Redford wrote in a decision released Saturday that West’s campaign submitted the proper number of signatures to qualify for the ballot and that […]

Civics: Lawfare and elections – Wisconsin Supreme Court

Skylar Croy: Unprecedented is an understatement. No. 2024AP1643-OA Strange v. Wisconsin Elections Comm’n A petition for leave to commence an original action under Wis. Stat. § (Rule) 809.70 has been filed on behalf of petitioner, David Strange, individually and as Deputy Operations Director-Wisconsin for the Democratic National Committee. The petition names as respondents: (1) Wisconsin […]

Civics: Lawfare and elections: Michigan Edition

Todd Spangler: Jonathan Brater, Michigan’s elections director, wrote the West campaign a letter dated Friday saying that the affidavits of identity submitted to the Secretary of State’s Office in June for West and his vice presidential running mate, Melina Abdullah, were not properly notarized. Nick: The campaign is adding Marc Elias, one of the party’s […]

Teens are opening up to AI chatbots as a way to explore friendship. But sometimes, the AI’s advice can go too far.

By Jessica Lucas For the average young user of Character.AI, chatbots have morphed into stand-in friends rather than therapists. On Reddit, Character.AI users discuss having close friendships with their favorite characters or even characters they’ve dreamt up themselves. Some even use Character.AI to set up group chats with multiple chatbots, mimicking the kind of groups most people would […]

Lawfare: Wisconsin’s law requiring voters to secure a witness signature when voting absentee will stand 

Mitchell Schmidt: after a federal judge this week rejected a lawsuit seeking to block the rule. Four Wisconsin voters, represented by attorneys with national Democratic law firm Elias Law Group, sued the Wisconsin Elections Commission in October arguing that the state’s witness signature rule runs afoul of the 1965 Voting Rights Act and threatens to […]

Civics: Politucs and Money

Jonathan Turley: The conservative sites allege that the group spent “only about $263,000 on its stated mission of electing candidates from Generation Z to office combined with donations to other Democrat Party committees and groups—and instead spent more than $1.4 million on disbursements to themselves for payroll and to political consulting firms and legal fees, in addition […]

Civics: Lawfare, the judicial branch and Elections

WILL The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) has responded to a new effort to overturn Wisconsin’s congressional maps, six months before an election. The case is brought by Marc Elias, a notorious left-wing attorney who pursues political objectives through legal action. WILL has also filed a joint request with the Wisconsin Legislature […]

Civics: Keeping candidates off ballots – Democrat Dean Phillips edition

It’s un-American when they do it to Republicans & it’s un-American when they do it to Democrats. @Deanbphillips should push back hard in court. — Vivek Ramaswamy (@VivekGRamaswamy) January 6, 2024 Related: Marc Elias and kicking candidates off ballots.

Harvard Corporation Breaks Silence, Stating Support for Gay While Addressing Plagiarism Allegations

by Rahem D Hamid, Nia L Orakwue, and Elias J. Schisgall arvard President Claudine Gay is facing allegations of plagiarism after a report in the Washington Free Beacon on Monday and a Sunday post on Substack claimed she plagiarized portions of four academic works over 24 years, including her 1997 Ph.D. dissertation at Harvard. The […]

Civics: Lawfare and elections

Chuck Ross: Elias alleged that “irregularities” in voting machines switched votes from Brindisi to Tenney. The case drew some national attention because the argument mirrored Republicans’ baseless claims that voting machine irregularities were responsible for Donald Trump losing to President Joe Biden in some states. A judge ruled in favor of Tenney on Feb. 5 after finding […]

Tuition Revenue Has Fallen at 61% of Colleges During the Pandemic

Jacquelyn Elias: Net-tuition revenue — the money that institutions earn through enrollment minus any discounts and allowances provided to students — is the lifeblood of many universities. It’s the largest source of revenue for private four-year institutions, and it accounts for just over $1 of every $5 of revenue for public four-year institutions, about the […]

Civics: Voter Suppression and lawfare

Brice Murphy: The post-elections statistics compiled by Marquette professor John D. Johnson for Urban Milwaukee definitely show the Milwaukee turnout was down in 2022 compared to the 2018 turnout, by 46,284 votes in Milwaukee County. Meanwhile the number of votes cast in the surrounding WOW counties (Waukesha, Ozaukee and Washington) actually increased over 2018. Steve […]

Seven times ‘disinformation’ turned out to be just the opposite

Aaron Kliegman: At the heart of the second trial to come out of Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion probe is a story of disinformation. Marc Elias, general counsel for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, testified both during a House Intelligence Committee investigation in 2017 and recently during Durham’s […]

Civics: Democrats kick Green Party off North Carolina ballot

David Larson: These allegations were submitted to the board by Jacquelyn Lopez of the Elias Law Group on behalf of the N.C. Democratic Party’s deputy get-out-the-vote director, Michael Abucewicz. The accusations — which include that the Green Party misrepresented itself to get some to sign and that they turned in fraudulent sheets of signatures — […]

Is Our Fiscal System Discouraging Marriage? A New Look at the Marriage Tax

Elias Ilin, Laurence J. Kotlikoff & Melinda Pitts: We develop, apply, and test a new measure of the marriage tax – the reduction in future spending from getting married – using SCF and ACS data. Our measure incorporates all major and most minor U.S. tax and benefit programs. And it assumes clone marriage – marrying […]

The Emergency Must Be Ended, Now

Harvey Risch, Jayanta Bhattacharya, Paul Elias Alexander The time has come to terminate the pandemic state of emergency. It is time to end the controls, the closures, the restrictions, the plexiglass, the stickers, the exhortations, the panic-mongering, the distancing announcements, the ubiquitous commercials, the forced masking, the vaccine mandates.   We don’t mean that the virus is […]

Civics: The Indictment of Hillary Clinton’s Lawyer is an Indictment of the Russiagate Wing of U.S. Media

Glenn Greenwald: A lawyer for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign was indicted on Wednesday with one felony count of lying to the FBI about a fraudulent Russiagate story he helped propagate. Michael Sussman was charged with the crime by Special Counsel John Durham, who was appointed by Trump Attorney General William Barr to investigate possible crimes committed as part of the […]

Google veterans: The company has become ‘unrecognizable’

Jennifer Elias: Workers told CNBC that 2018 was a pivotal point in the company’s shift away from upfront communication. That was when news of Project Dragonfly, a secret Google plan to develop a censored search engine for possible rollout in China, first broke in The Intercept. Internally, the existence of the project had been kept […]

In the old days, before the babyfication of children

Citizen Stewart: Childhood ain’t what it used to be. Our fluorescent colored, artificial fruit scented, bubble-wrapped perversion today of the growing years of children may seem like evolution but in truth, it’s a regression. No, I’m not casting nostalgia as fact and pandering to your generation X (or boomer) illusion of your rugged past captured […]

As Chinese school year starts, some Beijing residents find their kids can’t get admission

Elias Glenn: In the past year, Beijing has evicted a legion of status-less migrant workers and relocated hundreds of factories to cut down on what it calls an “urban disease” of over-population. Its number of registered residents saw a rare, albeit small, decline last year to 21.7 million. But now, some long-term, tax-paying middle-class families […]

Shaming Children So Parents Will Pay the School Lunch Bill

Bettina Elias Siegel: On the first day of seventh grade last fall, Caitlin Dolan lined up for lunch at her school in Canonsburg, Pa. But when the cashier discovered she had an unpaid food bill from last year, the tray of pizza, cucumber slices, an apple and chocolate milk was thrown in the trash. “I […]

K-12 Tax & Spending Climate: A third of the homeless people in America are over 50. I’m one of them.

CeliaSue Hecht Every night and every morning, I wonder how it got to be like this. If I’m lucky, I’ll get maybe six hours of shuteye, but usually it’s a lot less. The fear of police or someone else finding me makes me nervous. After a while, the lack of sleep sets in. I feel […]

The Dark Sides of Our Digital Self: How the Internet Changes Our Thoughts and Behaviors for the Worse

Steven Handel: The author of Virtually You: The Dangerous Powers of the E-Personality is a psychiatrist by the name of Elias Aboujaoude who is currently serving as the director at the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Clinic at the Stanford University School of Medicine. The thesis of Dr. Aboujaoude’s new book is that the world wide web […]

Madison schools have the chance to be bold in helping Spanish-speaking students

For most people, including me and probably much of the education establishment, this child’s future would not appear particularly bright.
But for those willing to peek through the other end of the looking glass, he’s ripe for a talented and gifted program that values advanced, often in-born academic gifts, but might do a better job respecting the advanced, real-world skills of its poorer, less-stereotypically successful students.
Elias is bilingual, after all, which by itself would go a long way toward qualifying him for jobs the rest of us English-only Americans could never hope to get in our rapidly diversifying society: urban newspaper reporter, Spanish-language television executive, United Nations translator.

Will 21st century skills weaken our federal education programs?

Jay Matthews:

The Common Core blog, which shares my distrust of the 21st century skills movement, is warning about the appointment of Apple executive Karen Cator as head of the U.S. Education Department’s Office of Education Technology. I don’t know Cator. Common Core says she once chaired the board of the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, the movement’s leading organization, and might push their agenda in Washington. I think the partnership is led by well-intentioned people, but so far they have done a lousy job showing how their approach will improve schools.
My recent column about a book by two partnership leaders made this case in more detail. Lynne Munson and James Elias, who wrote the Common Core post about Cator, seem to think she would use her new job to divert more education dollars to technology companies and forget about giving students a deep and balanced education.

Education in Uruguay: Laptops for all

The Economist:

FOR the past year the pupils of Escuela 95, in a poor neighbourhood of Montevideo, have had a new learning tool. Each has been issued with a laptop computer. This has been of particular help to the 30 or so children with severe learning difficulties, says Elias Portugal, a special-needs teacher at the school. Before, he struggled to give them individual attention. Now, the laptops are helping them with basic language skills. “The machines capture the kids’ attention. They can type a word and the computer pronounces it,” he says.
Nearly all of Uruguay’s 380,000 primary-school pupils have now received a simple and cheap XO laptop, a model developed by One Laptop Per Child, an NGO based in Massachusetts. The government hopes this will help poorer and disadvantaged children do better in school while also improving the overall standard of education. These ambitions will be tested for the first time later this month when every Uruguayan seven-year-old will take online exams in a range of academic subjects. The rest of the world should be intrigued: the first country in Latin America to provide free, compulsory schooling will become the first, globally, to find out whether furnishing a whole generation with laptops is a worthwhile investment. (Peru, a bigger, poorer and less homogenous country, is trying something similar.)