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August 7, 2006

Fall Referendum - 3 months to Time Zero

The Madison School District's Fall $23.5M Referendum Question will be in front of voters 3 months from today. The question asks voters to fund 3 iniatives with a single yes or no vote:

What K-12 issues might be on voter's minds November 7?The community has long supported Madison's public schools via above average taxes and spending (while enrollment has largely remained flat) and initiatives such as the Schools of Hope and the Foundation for Madison Public schools, among many others. The November 7, 2006 question will simply be one of public confidence in the governance and education strategy of the MMSD and the willingness to spend more on the part of local property taxpayers.

UPDATE: Recently elected Madison School Board Member Arlene Silveira posted words seeking input on the Progressive Dane "In the News" blog.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at August 7, 2006 7:25 AM
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