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June 2, 2012

Dan Nerad a Semi-Finalist for the Birmingham, MI Schools Superintendent; District spends about 10% less per student than Madison

Pat Schneider:

Madison School District Superintendent Dan Nerad made the cut Saturday to become one of two finalists for the top job at a school district in suburban Detroit, according to an online report.

Nerad was selected as a finalist for superintendent of the Birmingham Public Schools at a special Saturday session of the School Board, the Birmingham Patch reports.

He apparently made a big impression on school board members in Michigan, particularly with his handling of controversy over the race-based achievement gap in Madison schools.

Much more on Dan Nerad, here.

A few comparisons:

Birmingham's 2011-2012 budget is $107,251,333 for "more than 8000 students", or roughly $13,406/student. That is about 10% less than Madison's $14,858.40/student.

Birmingham's per capita income is $69,151, more than double Madison's $29,782. Birmingham's median household income is $101,529 while Madison's is nearly half: $52,550.

Birmingham had 6 national merit semi-finalists this past year while Madison featured 41. Michigan's 209 cut score was identical to Wisconsin's this past year.

Madison continues to spend more per student than most American school districts.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at June 2, 2012 5:33 PM
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