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Search Results for: act 10

No, intelligence is not like height

Sasha’s Gusev: But over the past five years it has become clear that IQ and educational attainment are not like height in fundamental and meaningful ways, and the reason behind this difference is one of the most important and interesting results to come out of modern behavioral genetics. So let’s go through it piece by piece. IQ […]

“I believe handouts are not the answer”

Nicole Shanahan: Kamala Harris believes in using handouts as a tool to win elections. We’ve seen this tactic before, notably in Rome just before its fall. Her proposed housing policy is inflationary, as it fails to address the need to increase the supply of homes. As the daughter of a legal immigrant who worked hard […]

“State’s fictional test score gains”

Dale Chu: The assessment world was set alight last week with the news of skyrocketing test gains in the Sooner State. Reading scores for Oklahoma’s third graders jumped from 29 percent proficient last year to 51 percent this year. Eighth graders bested their previous mark by double, spiking from 20 percent proficiency to 40 percent. While some […]

The Causes and Consequences of U.S. Teacher Strikes

Melissa Arnold Lyon, Matthew A. Kraft & Matthew P. Steinberg U.S. has witnessed a resurgence of labor activism, with teachers at the forefront. We examine how teacher strikes affect compensation, working conditions, and productivity with an original dataset of 772 teacher strikes generating 48 million student days idle between 2007 and 2023. Using an event […]

The staggering death toll of scientific lies

Kelsey Piper: I learned about the Poldermans case when I reached out to some scientific misconduct researchers, asking them a provocative question: Should scientific fraud be prosecuted?  Unfortunately, fraud and misconduct in the scientific community isn’t nearly as rare as one might like to believe. We also know that the consequences of being caught are […]

Censorship and meta (Facebook, instagram)

House Judiciary: Zuckerberg’s letter. Nicole Shanahan: Facebook can start by making every government contract and request for speech suppression public and open source. Nothing should be hidden. Alex Berenson: Aside from @finkd himself, no one deserves more credit for Meta’s new commitment to free speech than @elonmusk – his speech advocacy stiffened Zuck’s backbone and […]


Zvi: As a bonus, here are two sections that would have been in my next childhood roundup: Ban Phones in Schools England to give the power to ban mobile phone use on primary and secondary school grounds, students will have to switch them off or risk confiscation. Reactions like this always confuse me: However, teachers’ […]

Scientific fraud kills people. Should it be illegal?

by Kelsey Piper You probably haven’t heard of cardiologist Don Poldermans, but experts who study scientific misconduct believe that thousands of people may be dead because of him.  Poldermans was a prolific medical researcher at Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands, where he analyzed the standards of care for cardiac surgery, publishing a series of definitive studies from […]

More on the Wisconsin DPI and reduced rigor

Alan Borsuk: Before the 2012 changes in cut scores, Wisconsin was regarded by some national education experts as having some of the lowest bars in the country for defining students as proficient or advanced. For example, the percentages of Wisconsin students who were categorized as proficient in reading and math, using the state’s definitions, were […]

Civics: Lawfare and elections – Wisconsin Supreme Court

Skylar Croy: Unprecedented is an understatement. No. 2024AP1643-OA Strange v. Wisconsin Elections Comm’n A petition for leave to commence an original action under Wis. Stat. § (Rule) 809.70 has been filed on behalf of petitioner, David Strange, individually and as Deputy Operations Director-Wisconsin for the Democratic National Committee. The petition names as respondents: (1) Wisconsin […]

Civics: Shrinkflation

Mark Dent: Why toilet paper keeps getting smaller and smaller Paranoia sets in when the package arrives at my door. Is that pest control van across the street filled with private investigators on a stakeout? Has that antenna always been on my neighbor’s roof? A few weeks ago, I was just like you, taking a […]

Fertility in Hungary

Marion Dunai and Valentina Romei: Total family subsidy spending exceeds 5 per cent of GDP, or more than double what Hungary spends on defence… From a record low of 1.23 children per woman in 2011, the country’s fertility rate rose to 1.59 in 2020, but in recent years it has levelled off to about 1.5. In the […]

New study finds that free community college doesn’t necessarily increase degree attainment

Campus Reform: Support for initiatives to make community college free has grown in recent years, but new analysis suggests that such reforms may fail to achieve their intended goals. A new study from the Annenberg Institute at Brown University found that so-called “last-dollar tuition guarantee programs” for two-year community colleges do not meaningfully increase the number of enrolled students. […]

How the CORE Caucus, Mayor Johnson’s Education Policies Punish Chicago’s Minority Students

Paul Vallas: In either intent or outcome, racism is the defining feature of Stacy Davis Gates and Mayor Brandon Johnson’s education policies and minorities are hurt most Let’s be clear, the Chicago Teacher Union (CTU) blocks any changes to improve schools that impact its members, their numbers, work load or job security. So CTU President […]

Most grades don’t match test scores: Is that a problem?

Joanne Jacob’s: More than 40 percent of middle and high school grades are too high, compared to standardized test scores, and 16 percent are too low, concludes a new study conducted in 2022 and 2023 by the The Equitable Grading Project “Two out of five transcript grades indicated that students were more competent in the […]

Making the Elite: Top Jobs, Disparities, and Solutions

Soumitra Shukla How do socioeconomically unequal screening practices impact access to elite firms and what policies might reduce inequality? Using personnel data from elite U.S. and European multinational corporations recruiting from an elite Indian college, I show that caste disparities in hiring do not arise in many job search stages, including: applications, application reading, written […]

Civics: Organized Labor Requires Government Coercion

Richard Hanania: When I started writing about the problems with civil rights law, few people had any idea what I was talking about, even in right-wing circles. Most understood the Civil Rights Act as the bill that got rid of Jim Crow and banned explicit discrimination. It did in fact do those things, but as […]

Chicago Teachers Union seeks to reduce property tax bill for West Loop headquarters

Paris Schutz The Chicago Teachers Union Foundation is seeking to significantly reduce the property tax bill for its West Loop headquarters, according to documents from the Cook County Assessor’s Office obtained by FOX 32 Chicago. The Assessor recently reappraised the value of the CTU’s building, estimating its fair market value at $19 million. However, the CTU is […]

only “31% of elementary school students in Chicago Public Schools were proficient in reading,”

Matt Lamb The Chicago Teachers Union president has a convenient excuse for low test scores in the public school system: The exams are “rooted in white supremacy.” “The way in which, you know, we think about learning and think about achievement is really and truly based on testing, which at best is junk science rooted in white supremacy,” Stacy Davis […]

Colleges Are Wed to the Status Quo

Clark Ross: In a recent Boston Globe column, correspondent Kara Miller wrote that our colleges and universities now “embrac[e] the status quo,” preventing them from responding to new challenges. Her article draws heavily on a 2023 book by Brian Rosenberg, former president of Macalester College, entitled Whatever It Is, I’m Against It: Resistance to Change in Higher Education. […]

“Price controls have been disastrous whenever they’ve been implemented”

Liz Wolfe: Prices are signals, ways of communicating how much of a good is needed by consumers and how much ought to be produced. Interfering with these signals will create terrible shortages. Giving the government the power to meddle in the economy in this way will not drive prices down, it will force some firms […]

Civics: Fiscal Indulgences at Work

Chris Edwards: First Solar became perhaps the biggest beneficiary from $1 trillion in environmental spending enacted under the Inflation Reduction Act, which Biden signed into law in 2022 after it cleared Congress solely with Democratic votes. Since then, First Solar’s stock price has doubled and its profits have soared thanks to new federal subsidies that […]

Merit and Accountability Make Bureaucracy Less Dumb.

Joe Lonsdale: Throughout American history, the federal government has tended to expand dramatically during periods of war and crisis. About a generation after each crisis subsided, there tended to be a reset, an attempt to claw back the cronyism and dysfunction that results from large growth in budget, personnel, and authority. We’re in desperate need […]

Notes on the upcoming $607,000,000 (!) Madison k-12 tax & $pending increase referendum – achievement?

Abbey Machtig: The district administered a survey and held a series of input meetings earlier this year, which indicated mixed opinions from the public on referendums for this fall. That was before the School Board voted to place the questions on the ballot, and before the district shared the exact dollar amounts of the proposals and the […]

Civics: Illinois Free Speech Litigation

Patrick Andriesen: Illinois law now forbids employers from discussing ‘religious or political matters’ with employees. The Illinois Policy Institute is suing because that restriction on its free speech threatens its ability to operate. The Illinois Policy Institute is suing in federal court over a new state law that denies its First Amendment right to communicate with its […]

the national reckoning around how we teach kids to read in schools—and where we’re still getting it wrong.

Holly Korbey In schools, the podcast was a shot across the bow in a longstanding battle over the best way to teach young children to read. “A lot of teachers didn’t know about this research. It was very clear to them, when they started to learn about it, that it has huge implications,” says Hanford. […]

Censorship: EU edition

Thierry Breton: A timely and useful thread. Linda Yaccarino: This is an unprecedented attempt to stretch a law intended to apply in Europe to political activities in the US. It also patronizes European citizens, suggesting they are incapable of listening to a conversation and drawing their own conclusions. The Free Press: Don’t take our word […]

The Rise of the Completely Wrong ‘Expert

Wilfred Reilly: We need to talk about today’s critical mass of unimpressive “experts.” Just a week or so back, at the end of July, Columbia and UCLA law professor Kimberlé Crenshaw — the founder of “intersectional” theory — took to Twitter/X to argue a point. As she passionately put it: “Black women make up less than 10% […]

Civics: “There is no debate. There are narratives, and the narratives are imposed”

Paul Craig Roberts: Journalism as an occupation no longer exists. Today the struggle is not to get at the heart of an issue, but to have one’s agenda prevail. In 2013 I returned to the issue of offshoring production for the home market in my book The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalsim. In the decade since Schumer […]

“Milwaukee ranks relatively high in total revenue per student compared to other large districts nationally” – Madison is higher, yet

Sara R. Shaw, Robert Rauh, Jeff Schmidt, Jason Stein and Rob Henken: We can show that by looking at the overall operating funds available to the district from local, state, and federal sources. Using a metric developed for the Forum’s School DataTool, we found that MPS had operating spending in the 2022 school year of […]

Notes on the “Universities of Wisconsin” system

“Facts & Trends” In December 2022, the Board of Regents approved a five-year Strategic Plan for the Universities of Wisconsin for 2023-28. The broad objectives of the plan include enhancing the student experience and social mobility; fostering civic engagement and serving the public good; creating and disseminating knowledge that contributes to innovation and a better […]

An excess of restrictions has taken a very real toll on the lives of everyday Americans. Their stories must be told

Neil Gorsuch and Janie Nitze Our country has always been a nation of laws, but something has changed dramatically in recent decades. Contrary to the narrative that Congress is racked by an inability to pass bills, the number of laws in our country has simply exploded. Less than 100 years ago, all of the federal government’s statutes fit […]

Merit, Excellence and Intelligence: An Anti-DEI Approach Catches On:

Wall Street Journal: From tech to tractors, companies are dialing back diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. Instead, a DEI alternative endorsed by Elon Musk could alter the fate of your next job application. It’s known as MEI, short for merit, excellence and intelligence. As described by Scale AI Chief Executive Alexandr Wang, who helped popularize the term, MEI means hiring the […]

America’s declining birthrate is a far greater

Vivek: greater risk to our future than, say, climate change – yet most politicians are too scared to talk about it & now it’s apparently taboo. But here are the facts: our nation’s birth rate is now down to 1.62 births per woman, the lowest in history and well below replacement rate. It’s not even […]

Taxpayer funded K-12 Ideology conference

WILL: On July 30th and 31st, the Wisconsin Public Education Network (WPEN) will hold its annual conference in Madison.  While the name of the Network sounds harmless, it belies an organization with a far-left agenda that is contrary to what most parents in the state want for their kids. The worst part? Wisconsin taxpayers are going […]

Civics: “Our two-party system isn’t always great, but it’s far preferable to one in which a single party gains total control”

Paul Buchheit: The Biden situation is a good example of why single-party states are dangerous — the incentives always favor party loyalty over truth. If it weren’t for the disastrous debate and upcoming elections, experts and insiders would still be insisting that Biden is “sharp as a tack”, and that all evidence to the contrary […]

k-12 Tax & $pending Climate: Young Workers Fear They Will Never See a Cent From Social Security

Joe Pinker: U.S. workers paid more than $1 trillion into Social Security last year. Younger ones doubt they will get a dime when they retire. The idea of Social Security disappearing is one of the country’s longer-running neuroses and shows few signs of abating. Some 47% of U.S. nonretirees believe Social Security won’t be able […]

There’s nothing especially scary in the Heritage Foundation’s education agenda

By Rick Hess As for the specifics of Project 2025? There’s a good chance that it doesn’t say what you think it does. For instance, one graphic that’s been widely circulated (which The Dispatch reportshas racked up millions of views across Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Reddit, and X) lists 31 policies supposedly found in Project 2025. These falsehoods include raising the retirement age, […]

K-12 Tech Climate: Blue Screens Everywhere Are Latest Tech Woe for Microsoft

Tom Dotan:: The blue screen of death has been a dreaded symbol of technological failure since Microsoft’s Windows became the world’s dominant operating system in the 1990s. On Friday, it showed up on millions of computers around the world at once, highlighting both Microsoft’s continued ubiquity in workplaces and decades-old design choices that allowed the […]

The Role of Single Motherhood in America’s High Child Poverty 

David Brady, Regina S. Baker and Ryan Finnigan Many claim a high prevalence of single motherhood plays a significant role in America’s high child poverty. Using the Luxembourg Income Study, we compare the “prevalences and penalties” for child poverty across 30 rich democracies and within the United States over time (1979–2019). Several descriptive patterns contradict […]

Notes on Eureka Labs, “ai for education”

Andrej Karpathy: How can we approach an ideal experience for learning something new? For example, in the case of physics one could imagine working through very high quality course materials together with Feynman, who is there to guide you every step of the way. Unfortunately, subject matter experts who are deeply passionate, great at teaching, […]

“But what happens when this citation system is manipulated?”

Lonni Besançon, Guillaume Cabanac and Thierry Viéville A recent Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology articleby our team of academic sleuths – which includes information scientists, a computer scientist and a mathematician – has revealed an insidious method to artificially inflate citation counts through metadata manipulations: sneaked references. Hidden manipulation People are becoming […]

Notes on Chicago’s latest k-12 budget

Mila Koumpilova: But in a $9.9 billion proposed budget for next year released this week, Chicago Public Schools has avoided this approach. The district increased funding at charter schools by about 2.5% — even as some charters with shrinking enrollments are in line for steep cuts in the new budget blueprint. This year, CPS overhauled budgeting for traditional […]

Minnesota autism providers under investigation, lawmakers consider adding ‘guardrails’

Jessie Van Berkel: Investigators are examining potential Medicaid fraud among Minnesota autism services, and state lawmakers say they will consider licensing the providers, whose numbers have increased dramatically across the state. The Minnesota Department of Human Services has 15 active investigations into organizations or individuals providing certain autism services and has closed 10 other cases, […]

A psychology for pedagogy: Intelligence testing in ussr in the 1920s.

Leopoldoff This article examines a case of intelligence testing conducted in the mid-1920s, while considering the broader political and scientific context of Soviet life. Guided by questions about the status and influence of mental measurement in Russian society, previously and after the revolution, as well as asking about the main actors in the fields linked […]

Notes From a Formerly Unpromising Young Person

Rachel Louise Snyder: On that day in 1985, I became one in a population of children who are still far less acknowledged than their brilliant counterparts, those who garner headlines for their perfect G.P.A.s, their athletic prowess, their unflagging service to the community. Kids like me don’t get headlines unless they are part of the […]

Civics: an update on taxpayer funded censorship

Steven Nelson: A damning new congressional report shows how a little-known advertising cartel that controls 90% of global marketing spending supported efforts to defund news outlets and platforms including The Post — at points urging members to use a blacklist compiled by a shadowy government-funded group that purports to guard news consumers against “misinformation.” The World […]

8 years of maintaining standards in Primary Writing in England & Wales

Chris Wheadon and Daisy Christodoulou In the summer of 2016 we ran our first writing pilot with 5 schools and 256 pupils aged 10 to 11. Our idea was to use Comparative Judgement to help schools measure their pupils’ progress in their writing over time and to be able to compare the progress of their […]

How Safetyism and Social Media are damaging the kids

matija The net effect of this is that kids have far more extended boundaries set on them (except on their phones!). For example, nowadays, parents expect their children to be free to go and do groceries alone or play outside without adult supervision only at around the age of 10 to 12 (if not even […]

Civics: The Constitution Protects ‘Fake Electors’

Larry Lessig: Arizona has joined Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin in seeking to prosecute Donald Trump’s 2020 electors. Mr. Trump and his party’s lawyers encouraged them to meet and vote on the date set by Congress, Dec. 15. Because Joe Biden carried those states, Democrats and journalists call these Trump electors “fake.” But the effort to […]

Wisconsin Watch Commentary on School library choices

Rachel Hale: An increasing part of library specialists’ and district administrators’ jobs has become dealing with requests. Records showed hundreds of internal emails related to scheduling reconsideration meetings and addressing parent concerns. Administrators oversee books across numerous buildings and are struggling with the balancing act of appeasing parent concerns while maintaining appropriate grade interest levels […]

Notes on redistributed state taxpayer funds and the madison School District’s budget

Abbey Machtig: State aid payments are influenced by factors like enrollment, district spending and local property values. Assistant Superintendent of Financial Services Bob Soldern told the Wisconsin State Journal via email the district had been planning to receive about $50 million in state support. Nichols said she doesn’t think the additional money from the state […]

Bureaucracy Is Eating Higher Education. Just Look at Yale 

Lauren Noble: American higher education has lost its way. While the number of students has decreased in recent years, America’s elite educational institutions have expanded dramatically the number of administrative positions unconnected to any actual teaching. Those university bureaucrats use free-speech principles to protect progressive ideas, then undermine the educational mission by punishing faculty and students who deviate from […]

Notes on Madison’s planned $607M tax & spending increase, outcomes?

Abbey Machtig: At $607 million, the Madison School District’s pair of referendums set for November will be the second-largest ask of voters by a school district in Wisconsin history. It comes in behind Racine’s $1 billion referendum, which passed in 2020 by only five votes. The dollar amount Madison is requesting has been described as “unprecedented” in […]

K-12 tax & $pending climate: A Comprehensive Federal Budget Plan to Avert a Debt Crisis

Brian Riedl: Annual budget deficits doubled to $2 trillion over 2022–23 and are headed toward $3 trillion a decade from now. Social Security and Medicare face a combined $124 trillion cash deficit over the next 30 years. The national debt is projected to soar past 165% of gross domestic product (GDP) within three decades—or as […]

$190 billion in federal relief raised achievement — but not very much

Joanne Jacobs: “The per-dollar returns of ESSER, the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund, measure up poorly in comparison with those of previously studied efforts to boost achievement,” writes Mahnken. “The impact was small,” said Dan Goldhaber, the lead author of the Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research (CALDER) study. “Only […]

Civics: On The Democrat Party, the legacy media and Biden/Rice/Obama/Harris

Balajj: Recall that after the Democrat primary ended on June 8, Obama very consciously put Biden on stage, let him stumble and mumble, and then held his hand[10] to usher him off stage. That was the act of a savvy politician: Obama was ostensibly appearing with Biden to help him, but was really there to […]

“The same justifications we’ve used to restrict conservative speech are being used to silence us on Palestine. We need a different approach”

TASCHA SHAHRIARI-PARSASHARE Shortly before Eghbariah’s article was scheduled to go live, our journal’s president made the unprecedented decision to delay and ultimately block the piece. After hours of debate, a majority of our editors voted to sustain that decision. 25 of my fellow editors and I publicly objected. Two of my peers resigned. And yet, we were […]

The Surgeon General Is Wrong. Social Media Doesn’t Need Warning Labels

Mike Masnick Warning: Reading this article may cause you to question the Surgeon General’s reliance on feelings over science. In 1982, then-U.S. Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop said video games could be hazardous to children and warned of kids becoming “addicted” to them, causing problems for their “body and soul.” This warning was not based on […]

Delong Middle School student makes history winning the first Wisconsin Civics Bee: “focused on the flaws of the education system”

Jeremy Wall  When Rya Mousavi saw a poster for Wisconsin’s first civics bee, she had an idea. “My teacher just had a poster on the board and I talked to her about it. She kind of introduced me to the civics bee and I thought it was a good opportunity,” said Mousavi An opportunity to […]

Notes on Madison’s planned K-12 tax & $pending increase referendum (enrollment data?)

Abbey Machtig Administrators are recommending Sennett Middle School and Cherokee Heights Middle School be replaced with new buildings. The same goes for several combined schools that share the same location: Shabazz City High and Sherman Middle; Black Hawk Middle and Gompers Elementary; Toki Middle and Orchard Ridge Elementary. The district would also renovate Anana and […]

What a fight over $1.9 million in pay says about training for veteran teachers

Liz Bowie and Kristen Griffith City school administrators began seeing teachers submitting 60 course credits — the equivalent of two master’s degrees — from Idaho State University this year to get an increase in pay. To the human resources department, this looked fishy. How could a full-time teacher have enough time in one year to do the […]

Delving into ChatGPT usage in academic writing through excess vocabulary

Dmitry Kobak, Rita González Márquez, Emőke-Ágnes Horvát, Jan Lausej Recent large language models (LLMs) can generate and revise text with human-level performance, and have been widely commercialized in systems like ChatGPT. These models come with clear limitations: they can produce inaccurate information, reinforce existing biases, and be easily misused. Yet, many scientists have been using them to assist […]

Ongoing Madison Property tax base expansion

Allison Garfield: ….demolishing the two single-family homes and one two-family home currently on the property. The development will include 138 units, plus parking for 143 cars underground and 25 outdoor spots. The building will stand about 36 feet high with a combination of light brown-colored brick and gray fiber cement siding. Patios and balconies are […]

Who’s responsible for our accountability problem?

Tim Harford: I was recently scheduled to present my Cautionary Tales podcast live on stage as a curtainraiser for a podcast conference. Talented voice actors, live sound effects and even a trombone would weave a dramatic soundscape for a full house. There was only one problem. Nobody seemed to have the authority to let me […]

Tiny beauty: how I make scientific art from behind the microscope

Steve Gschmeissner: Cheese fungus, head lice, human sperm, a bee eye, a microplastic bobble: scientific photographer Steve Gschmeissner has imaged them all under the probing lens of a scanning electron microscope (SEM). In his colourized electron micrographs, faecal bacteria resemble thin spaghetti, silica-walled diatoms look like cubes of breakfast cereal and a segmented tardigrade resembles […]

Hired Milwaukee K-12 financial consultant says two key problems led to financial crisis

By: A.J. Bayatpour: In an interview Thursday with CBS 58, Gray said his review of what went wrong begins with the district’s use of financial reporting software that doesn’t fit with the system used by the state Department of Financial Instruction (DPI).  While other districts have transitioned to newer software that allows those districts to […]

Substantial Madison K-12 tax and $pending increase plans

Kayla Huynh One question on the ballot would ask voters for $100 million over the next four school years to increase spending on staff salaries and education programs. The second would ask for $507 million to renovate or replace seven aging elementary and middle schools. The two referendums would be “unprecedented in size and scope […]

“I’ve Got Nothing to Hide” and Other Misunderstandings of Privacy

Daniel Solove: n May 2006, USA Today broke the story that the NSA had obtained customer records from several major phone companies and was analyzing them to identify potential terrorists. 6 The telephone call database is reported to be the “largest database ever assembled in the world.” 7 In June 2006, the New York Times […]

Civics: “net federal subsidies in 2024 for insured people are $2.0 trillion”

CBO: 2034, that annual amount is projected to reach $3.5 trillion (or 8.5 percent of gross domestic product). Over the 2025–2034 period, subsidies are projected to total $27.5 trillion—with Medicare accounting for 46 percent; Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), 25 percent; employment-based coverage, 21 percent; subsidies for coverage obtained through the Affordable […]

Notes on the Omega School

Seth Nelson: For 52 years, Omega, an independent educational program, has helped students of all ages secure GEDs or HSEDs, replacement diplomas for those who for some reason never finished high school. For many of this year’s graduates like Payton, a GED is a gateway to a new life, said Omega School Executive Director Oscar Mireles. […]

Advocating Social Media limits

Jon Haidt & Zach Rausch 1. The adolescent mental health crisis is real From the 1990s through the mid-2000s, there was little sign of any youth mental health problem in the U.S. in any of the long-running nationally representative datasets. But by 2015, adolescent mental health was a 5 alarm fire, with steeply risingrates of loneliness, anxiety, […]

Notes on taxpayer subsidized federal student loans

CBO: Under the William D. Ford Direct Loan Program, the federal government provides education loans to undergraduate and graduate students and to the parents of undergraduate students. The federal government serves as the lender for all borrowers in the direct loan program but contracts with private entities to service those loans. Before July 1, 2010, […]

Notes on “voucher” schools; accountability?

Dave Zweifel Many educators complained at the time that the entire voucher program would serve as a foot in the door to eventually undermine the public school system — a system that had served the country since colonial days and was credited with representing the true melting pot among children from different cultures, races and incomes. […]

Civics: taxpayer funded election censorship

Judicial Watch: Judicial Watch announced today it received 110 pages of heavily redacted records from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit that show state election officials in the days before and after the 2020 election flagging online content deemed “misinformation” and sending it to the Center for Internet Security […]

“Second, the latest revelation underscores the incompetence of the board”

John Schlifske: The recent news that Milwaukee Public Schools failed to file a required financial report to the state Department of Public Instruction, that its past reports were missing data or inaccurate, and that it might have to payback millions in funds to the state is just another proof point underscoring the need for substantial governance reform. This lays open two […]

An update on One City Schools (Monona, WI)

Kaleem Caire One City Preschool continues to attract far more children than we can enroll, and is ready to grow and expand. Our two public charter schools, One City Elementary School and One City Preparatory Academy, are making notable progress as well: In July 2025, we will host our 10th anniversary celebration and first 8th […]

“I just wanted to point out that the idea of substituting tariffs for taxes does have much historical support”

Balaji: For most of American history, tariffs dominated taxes as a source of federal government revenue: This was also the time when the US rose to become a manufacturing powerhouse. And as you can see from the graph, the income tax (and the Federal Reserve and much of the federal government as we know it) […]

New hearing ordered over more leaked writings from Covenant School shooter

Caleb Wethington and Stacey Cameron The Tennessee Star is one of the parties who filed a suit wanting at least 20 journals, a suicide note, and a memoir written by the shooter released publicly. If the newly leaked pages are authentic – this is the second time that part of the journal found by MNPD in the […]

Civics: A new study suggests political considerations may influence the enforcement of federal environmental law.

Jonathan Adler: There are many reasons why administrative regulation may be preferable to nuisance law for dealing with environmental pollution. Among other things, regulations may provide clearer standards of what sorts of conduct is or is not permitted and may provide clearer incentives for firms to reduce polluting behavior. One potential downside, however, is that […]

Civics: Katherine Maher, Wikipedia’s Woke Warrior

Helen of Destroy: While the Berliner affair at NPR may have been the general public’s first exposure to its new CEO Katherine Maher, her hire earlier this year was the culmination of decades of grooming by the ruling class political establishment, which raised her on the warm fuzzy feelings of American Exceptionalism via a who’s-who […]

A look at Massachusetts Schools

James Vaznis More than 225,000 students across Massachusetts attend segregated public schools, mostly with low graduation rates and standardized test scores, because state education leaders for decades have failed to comply with laws requiring them to foster integration, according to a new report by a state oversight committee. Some of the state’s most marginalized students have been […]

“If both measures pass, that means the average tax bill for Madison residents could increase by $2,030 by 2028”

Abbey Machtig: The estimated tax impact for residents is as follows: Operational referendum: 2024-25 — $316.72 increase; 2025-26 — $315.49 increase; 2026-27 — $209.1 increase; 2027-28 — $208.28 increase; total: $1,049.58 increase in property tax bill over the next four years. Facilities referendum: 2025-26 — $327.47 increase; 2026-27 — $328.83 increase; 2027-28 — $326.20 increase; […]

Math wars podcast

The Disagreement Today’s disagreement is about the “math wars.”The “math wars” is a debate happening in K-12 education about the best way to teach math. Broadly speaking, there are two camps that have conflicting pedagogical approaches: Explicit instruction focuses on procedural fluency, guided practice, and repetition.Inquiry-based instruction focuses on conceptual understanding, open-ended problems, and productive […]

Many left-leaning, middle-class Americans speak of kids as though they are impositions, or means to an end.

Jay Caspian Kang A new book by Anastasia Berg and Rachel Wiseman, “What Are Children For?,” is an engaging, literary investigation into why so many highly educated, financially comfortable women in the United States are ambivalent about having children, and how we should actually think about that decision. (I recently interviewed the authors on a podcast […]

Civics: E.U. Censorship Laws Mostly Suppress Legal Speech

JD Tuccille: In a new report, Preventing “Torrents of Hate” or Stifling Free Expression Online?, The Future of Free Speech, a think tank based at Vanderbilt University, points out that online regulation changed in 2017 with Germany’s adoption of the Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG), “which aimed to combat illegal online content such as defamation, incitement, and […]

Notes on taxpayer funded Wisconsin DPI and our disastrous literacy results

Karen Vaites: Disappointing news in Wisconsin. @WisconsinDPI was one of the few organizations that spoke out against the Act 20 literacy law. So, appointing one of its own to steer implementation of the law is raising real concern. —- Legislation and Reading: The Wisconsin Experience 2004

“to audit the effectiveness of teaching and instruction of our kids in classrooms across the district.” (!)

Molly Beck, Rory Linnane And Kelly Meyerhofer The review proposed by Evers would be funded through federal dollars allocated for MPS but yet used or funding leftover from previously awarded contracts, according to the governor. The audits would produce “a comprehensive review and evaluation of the district’s systems, processes, and procedures to identify areas for improvement,” and […]

“College participation rates in Wisconsin have decreased overall by 14% since 2019”

Kimberly Wethal The percentage of UW system freshmen from Adams County, for example, dropped by 62.5% between fall 2003 and fall 2023, from 40 students to 15, while the county population — albeit aging — grew by 5%, according to U.S. Census data. The percentage coming from Richland and Wood counties plummeted by nearly 58% and […]

Wisconsin DPI and learning to read….

Will Flanders: The person put in charge of implementing the Science of Reading in Wisconsin apparently wrote positively about Lucy Calkins. More. Quinton Klabon: GENUINE QUESTION: She was the 2017 president of the Wisconsin State Reading Association, which lobbied against Act 20 in 2023! Many know her, so can someone explain? DPI Superintendent Underly: “I […]

Civics: “Psychological Warfare, Subversion, and the Control of Society.” It begins:

Ayaan Hirsi Ali When, on October 8, protests erupted across the Western world in support of Hamas—and not the democracy that had been overrun by terrorists—I saw the revolution. When I look at the recent spectacle at Columbia or Yale or UCLA or Harvard or Stanford—students tearing down American flags and raising Palestinian ones; or […]

Civics: legacy media update – Bezos Washington Post edition

Joe Gabriel Simonson Whenever I read stories about journalists attacking their new bosses, who point out that no one reads their work and the publication is losing money, I’m reminded of a meeting I sat in as an intern for a major publisher. Christopher Rufo: We will see if losing half your audience and $77 […]

Mississippi students and educators have closed the gap and reached the national average on the National Assessment of Educational Progress.

Julia James: This growth can be attributed to several factors, but chief among them is a 2013 state law that created a more robust infrastructure around helping children learn to read and holding them back at the end of third grade if they didn’t hit a certain benchmark. But this national test also measures students […]

Notes on The Possible Demise of Milwaukee’s taxpayer funded K-12 Superintendent

Rory Linnane: Milwaukee School Board members could fire Superintendent Keith Posley or take other disciplinary action against him at a meeting Monday night, according to a meeting noticeupdated Friday evening, days after board members found out MPS had failed to submit key financial reports to state officials. According to the meeting notice, board members could discuss […]

University continues hiring freeze and implements early exit initiative to balance budget

Sofia Tosello: Queen’s University will cut costs this year as it grapples with ongoing budgetary issues. The University is projecting a $35.7 million operating budget deficit, confirmed in the Final Operating Budget Report to the Board of Trustees on May 10. To mitigate the impact of the deficit, the University will uphold the hiring freeze initiated in […]

Civics: The ‘Hong Kong 47’ Convicted in the City’s Largest Trial to Crush Democracy.

FreedomHK: Today, the Hong Kong courts convicted 14 pro-democracy activists in the city’s largest national security trial.  The Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong Foundation unequivocally condemns these sentences and calls for the immediate release of the 47 and all other political prisoners currently being held in Hong Kong prisons. The sentences come after the trial of 47 […]

“news about significant state funding at risk due to bureaucratic mismanagement is both shocking and infuriating”

MMAC The school district’s non-compliance with federal and state statutes should have been disclosed to the Milwaukee taxpayers, the majority of whom are working families, before they were asked to increase the district’s budget by more than a quarter-billion dollars annually in April. It would have changed the narrative and forced the electorate to think […]

Civics: Prosecutors Got Trump — But They Contorted the Law

By Elie Honig: But that doesn’t mean that every structural infirmity around the Manhattan district attorney’s case has evaporated. Both of these things can be true at once: The jury did its job, and this case was an ill-conceived, unjustified mess. Sure, victory is the great deodorant, but a guilty verdict doesn’t make it all pure […]

Civics: A scary little theory about information and freedom.

Noah Smith: I was raised in an age of liberal triumphalism. Liberal democracy won the 20th century — imperialism, fascism, and communism all collapsed, and by the end of the century the U.S. and its democratic allies in Asia and Europe were both economically and militarily ascendant. Even China, which remained an autocracy, liberalized its […]

Civics & Covid lockdowns: “Tony Fauci’s deputy, David Morens, admitted in a hearing he deleted government records”

Paul Thacker: True to form, Science Magazine downplayed some of the hearing’s most explosive findings, in an article whose title misinformed readers by stating that Morens’ evasion of federal record laws had only “allegedly” happened: “House panel takes Fauci adviser to task for allegedly evading public records laws.” This headline was belied by several of […]